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Job and study's helping you Western Coldfeild staff nurse exam 1.12.19 model Answer 1. Which of the following medication order is immediately and once only adminislered a) PRN b) Stat Order c) Single Order d) Standing Order ans. B 2. The technique of administering BCG vaccine is a) Z track injection b) Intravenous injection c) Subeutancous injection d) Intradermal Scratch injection ans. d 3. Colour coding for nitrous oxide cylinder is a) Black b) Black with white shoulder c) Blue d) Girey ans. c   4. A patient is to receive 2000 ml of IV Nuid in 12 hours. The Drop factor is 10 gtt/ml. At how many drops per minute should the low rate be set a) 22 drops/min b) 24 drops/min c)26 drops/min d) 28 drops/min ans. b 5. Duriny ABG analysis blood is collected from A)Artery b)Vein c) Capillary d)Any site ans. a 6. Sharp instruments should not be sterilized by a) Autoclaving b) Boiling c) Hot air oven d) Antiscptic solution ans. a 7. Endoscopic cath...
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Job and study's helping you IMORTANT NOTES FOR  LAB TECHNOLOGIST,   STAFF  NURSE , GNM,  ANM , MPW &  MSC.NURSING 1.      1gm Hemoglobin bond with Oxygen –    1.34ml 2.      Hb level high in -    morning times 3.      Hb level low in -     evening times 4.      RBCs specific gravity –  1090 5.      Plasma specific gravity –  1030 6.      Blood specific gravity –  1055 to 1060 7.      What is life span of RBC –  120 days 8.      What is average size of RBC –  7 microns 9.      Total volume of blood count by –  PCV 10.EDTA preserves cellular morphology for -  2-3 hours 11.which malaria present shuffneo’s dot -    P.V. 12. what is the lowest Hb obtained by sahli...


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