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Showing posts from August 8, 2019

Histopathology imortant Notes all lab technician

Histopathology Notes Introduction . Microscopic study of individual cell in a smear is called cytology and study of tissue is called histology. Histology is a department of anatomy that deals with the minute structure, composition and functions of tissues. Histopathology means the study of diseased tissues. The pathologist responsible for the diagnosis of diseased tissues is dependent on the technical skill of a histotechnologist, who prepares microscopic slides of the specimen. These specimen slides should be well sectioned and properly stained to provide detailed in-formation of the tissue under examination Histopathological studies have proved to be one of the most effective means in diagnosing tissue abnormalities, benignand malignant conditions. Exfoliative cytology, is concerned with the early detectionof cancer. The malignant cells diffuse into the body fluids and secretions (exfoliate). The exfoliative cytological techniques deal with the study of body fluids a...


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