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Showing posts from August 10, 2019

lab technician self testing for exams

Histopathology Note by medical tuber

Histopathology Note 1. Microscopic study of indivisual cell in a smear is called – Cytology 2.     Study of tissue is Called – Histplogy 3.       The study of Disease Tissues – Histopathology 4.     A concerned with the early detection of Cancer – Exfoliative Cytology 5.     The histopathologycal specimen collected by— Surgeon in OT 6.     When a tissue is removed from the body it immediately placed in solution this process --   fixing 7.     To provide nessesary hardness to cut section is filtration of paraffine wax is carries out this process called – Embedding 8.     When a tissue is removed from the body it immediately placed in solution called --   fixative 9.     Thin sections of the tissues are cut by using an equipment called – microtome 10.        Thin sections of the tissues are cut by us...


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